Thursday, April 26, 2007

26 Years Young, or Old, or Closer to Dying!

So as of April 22nd I am now 26 years old! It's one of those birthdays that's not really significant. The only realization you come to is that you're now closer to 30 than you are 20 which is kinda crazy, but again, NO BIG DEAL. Pictured here is a silly little thing that the members of my family made me wear during Neena's baby shower...which was on my birthday. I don't recall ever in my entire 26 years of living ever being forced, or willing wearing such a silly little hat...but as you can clearly see, I lost. It was sprung on me...Like A buck during rut going after the hottest doe...I was totally unaware of the schemes of my wife and her mother. They, like hunters in a blind, shot me when I least expected it! Usually I'm pretty aware of others evil scheming but for some reason I was caught off guard. They say your senses weaken with age...I'll agree to that for on this day...I was taken down. Now I refused at first, but one evil-eye look from a very pregnant and lovely's like shot to the heart. I went down, right where she shot me.

After I was so ruthlessly taken down and forced to wear a silly little hat at a party that wasn't for me...ON MY BIRTHDAY. I schemed myself and talked my way into getting to eat at the man shack of all man shacks...BIG BUCK. This was my first trip to heaven and I gotta say it's quite nice and I plan on returning whenever I'm back in the great state of TEXAS (all other states may bow down in humble submission). I was treated to a 22 ounce specially seasoned New York Strip steak, baked potato, and a trip through Bass Pro Shop which is joined to MAN LAND.

Another part of my birthday was getting to go to a Ranger Game. This has become sort of a birthday tradition for me since Neena took me to my first game when we were first dating some 7 years ago. The Rangers played the A's and won 7-0. The crazy thing about the game, besides it taking the Rangers 5 pitchers to complete the shut-out, was that so many people I knew were at the game! The kimberlins, Thortons, and Crawford. Craziness...I wonder who else was there?

All in all the birthday weekend was a BLAST! But even cooler than my birthday...was getting to see such AMAZING love poured out to our family and the much anticipated birth of our first child. We were thrown, as you already know, a baby shower and we were given SO MUCH STUFF.
Here is a picture of about 1/3 of the gifts given at our first of probably 3 baby showers! My favorite gift was a baby quilt hand sewn by one of the ladies at Neena's church. You can see it at the bottom right of this pic.

We had a great weekend! Awesome birthday, and Even better time with friends and family. Until next time!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007



Every time, and I mean EVERY TIME, I hear of someone's life that has come to a sudden end, I'm immediately transported back to the scene of the wreck where my sister was killed. Something that I've been trying to do since May 2, 1999 is to heal from that very painful loss. At times my healing affected my entire life. Then at other times I felt as though I was, "all better." But as I mentioned above, every-once-in-a-while, something triggers that memory and brings back those painful feelings. I have come to realize that you don't forget or "get over" the loss of someone. Healing is something that takes time, patience, and practice. So, in order to help those who are beginning the healing process, what does it mean to heal? How does one heal oneself? When does one heal? How long does healing take? Should they rest in being blessed by God because they're one of those who mourn? What if I can't heal...what then? These are questions that too many people are beginning to ask right now.

We know of 33 families from yesterday's tragic shooting at Virginia Tech that are beginning the difficult process of healing. The entire VT Campus rallied tonight to begin "healing". There are countless families attempting to heal after losing loved ones in the Iraqi War. So many of my friends have buried brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, husbands, wives, cousins, and friends. When we speak about those times you can almost see the wounds left that are still very fresh and raw...not quite yet a scar.

If you are one of those people whose had to say good-bye too soon. If you've been on that road to healing, please share. I ask that you ALL use the comments section to tell of how you healed and/or are healing. What is your story? How are you coping? Who knows, your story may help someone.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Tragic day

I was shocked when I turned on the TV this afternoon to hear that an estimated 32 people were killed and another 21 wounded at Virginia Tech this morning. This shooting is the largest school shooting in U.S. history. You can read more about it here. I warn you, some of the pictures are graphic.

Please be in prayer for the families of those 32 people, their friends, classmates, for those who were injured, and for Virginia Tech University. Also, please don't forget to pray for the shooter's family as well.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted..." "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

She's Popped!

So my wife officially looks pregnant now. YEA!!! This is a picture of the baby bump at 13.5 weeks on Easter Sunday. So many people are coming up to Neena now saying, "She popped!" or "She has exploded." or my favorite, "My goodness you're getting big! Are you sure there's not two babies in their?" Which if there is I'm slapping all who have jinxed us...and forcing you to babysit!

Neena is looking cuter and cuter by the day! Every morning her belly is little bit bigger than the day before. If she has her back to you you can't tell she's pregnant...meaning she's not gaining any wait-at all! But once she turns to the side...WHOA DANG, LADY you have a baby in there!

Look at the picture! She's hot even when she's pregnant!

Here's a close-up of momma and the baby bump.

And just in case you were wondering, my baby is growing well and doing fine, too.
I'm such a dork!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Daddy Like...

So here's one of the pictures I finally received from a friend of mine, who was obviously on the trip with us...since he took the picture. The picture is of me hitting my very first rail on a snowboard! You should've seen us before our first run at the rail, we were so nervous. Then, Marcus made it look so easy that I had to try. Once I rode it, then all the teens started trying. We all did really well considering. One of us took a nasty spill on the rail and almost broke his tailbone...thankfully he just bruised his pride, and hide.

The ski trip was amazing and all who went are itching to get back quickly. The place we went was really good, too. It's Monarch Resort outside of Salida, CO. I had never heard of this place, but it was/is AMAZING. I highly encourage you to go check it out. If you want to take a group, look up White Diamond Ski service I've ever experienced!

All in all the trip was AWESOME, we had the best snowstorm hit on the final day and by the end of the day we were boarding in knee-deep powder!


Some of you will appreciate this. After our trip I was really wanting a "bad weather" board. So I hopped on ebay and bid on a two year old KEMPER board. I won! Total cost $18.02. $1 for the board and $17.02 S&H. Is that cool or what??? The board has one ding in it...other than that it looks like it has hardly been used. For those who need specs it's a Freestyle 155 Unkle Als Militia board.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


For those who have kids, are about to have kids, thinking about having kids, and those who don't want kids but like to laugh at those who do. I received the following in an email this morning and it was too funny not to share. Sorry for no reference...there was none in the email. ENJOY!

After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. And the first thing he said was "DON'T !" "Don't what ?" Adam replied. "Don't eat the forbidden fruit." God said. "Forbidden fruit ? We have forbidden fruit ? Hey Eve..we have forbidden fruit! " " No Way !" "Yes way! "
"Do NOT eat the fruit ! " said God.
"Why ? "
"Because I am your Father and I said so! " God replied, wondering why He hadn't stopped creation after making the elephants. A few minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He was ticked ! "Didn't I tell you not to eat the fruit ? " God asked.
"Uh huh," Adam replied.
"Then why did you ? " said the Father. "I don't know," said Eve. "She started it! " Adam said.
"Did not ! "
"Did too ! "
"DID NOT ! "
Having had it with the two of them, God's punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own. Thus the pattern was set and it has never changed. BUT THERE IS REASSURANCE IN THE STORY ! If you have persistently and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven't taken it, don't be hard on yourself. If God had trouble raising children, what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you ?

1. You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.
2. Grandchildren are God's reward for you not killing your own children.
3. Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.
4. Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word, what you shouldn't have said.
5. The main purpose of holding children's parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own.
6. We childproofed our homes, but they are still getting in.

Be nice to your kids. They will choose your nursing home one day.