Monday, February 4, 2008

Retreats and Cedar

This is Camp Hensel located in Marble Falls, TX and it's been the home of Westover Hills' retreats for more than 30 years. Needless to say, it holds MANY powerful and life-changing memories for lots of Westover members, young and old. I have spent the last two weekends at Hensel and had a blast. Two weeks ago was our middle school Winter Retreat and this past weekend was our high school Winter Retreat. We had a total of 152 people at the retreats and I think just about everyone ended up with the Flu or a sinus infection. This place is surrounded by blasted Cedar trees...I really thought about burning them all to the ground, root, seed...I hate cedar trees! Aside from the cedar and it's horrible nose draining affect on everyone, we had an amazing time both weekends.

Our theme this winter was "SOULD OUT" obvious playing off the phrase "Sold Out" like, "I'm sorry, sir but we're sold out of that item. The Middle School took the spin on being SOULD OUT by building others up; and the high school was Sould Out souls. We saw many light bulbs go off over the heads of several teens and have heard lots of positive responses from both teens and their parents. In short, great time, God moved in powerful ways, teens are working for a change in their lives which is blessing the lives of all those around them. I'm excited about the future in helping them and keeping them accountable.

On another note, for my Westover crew that reads: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all the adults who were sponsors, mentors, cooks...GREAT FOOD!!!, prayer worriers, and Jesus for our teenagers. You guys were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

This is an image of what two weeks worth of retreats, plus all the other ministry 'stuff' that happens in between, does to two youth ministers.


Blogger Marta said...

Glad it was a good time. We haven't seen y'all in forever! Let's get together soon!

February 4, 2008 at 8:39 PM  

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